Here come nine most fashionable things of the Summer 2009. Fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories that you MUST have in your wardrobe th...
The latest news in shopping and fashion trends today. Find out what to wear and shop for.
Here come nine most fashionable things of the Summer 2009. Fashionable clothes, shoes and accessories that you MUST have in your wardrobe th...
On the 5th of Iyar, 5708 (1948), G-d's Name was sanctified. For the first time in two thousand year, the Jewish people had a state in th...
On this day, we pause to remember the 22, 570 Jewish soldiers who have fallen in the defense of the State of Israel and the Jewish people si...
"We, pilots of the Israeli Air Force, flying in the skies over the extermination camps, arose from the ashes of the millions of victims...
Monday night, the 27th of Nissan, is Yom HaShoah v'Hagevurah , Holocaust and Heroism Memorial Day. On this day, we bear witness to the w...
In the 1940s, close to a million Jews from Arab countries were expelled from lands in which they had lived for 3000 years. They lost billion...
For those who are tired of ruches, frills and flowers, in other words for everybody who is sick of all the feminine style here comes BOYISH ...
In Egypt, 80% of the Jews did not leave but perished in the Plague of Darkness. These Jews simply could not separate themselves from the the...
> Seems like femininity is in fashion this season. Flippant trimmings of ruches and frills on spring dresses will make a romantic girl fr...
To all of Am Yisrael, have a chag Pesach kasher v'sameach! May we witness miracles in our times just as we did in the days when we left ...
The world's silence is deafening. When Israel finally took measures to protect itself against the thousands of rockets launched against ...